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Nature Volume 599, Pages 239–244 (2021) Cite this article
The climate change of the past 24,000 years has provided key insights into the response of the Earth system to external forcing. Climate model simulations 1, 2 and proxy data 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 independently allow this critical interval to be studied; however, they sometimes come to very different conclusions. Here, we use paleoclimate data assimilation9,10 to use these two types of information to perform the first proxy-constrained full-field re-analysis of the surface temperature changes across the last glacial maximum, presented at a resolution of 200 years. We prove that the temperature changes in the past 24,000 years are related to two main climate mechanisms: the radiative forcing of ice sheets and greenhouse gases; and the superposition of ocean overturning circulation and seasonal changes in sunlight. Compared with the previous agent-based reconstruction6,7, our results show that since the early Holocene (about 9000 years ago), the global average temperature has increased slightly but steadily by about 0.5 °C. Compared with recent temperature changes11, our reanalysis shows that the speed and magnitude of modern warming are unusual compared to the changes in the past 24,000 years.
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All LGMR and related agency data are publicly available through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Paleoclimatology Data Archive ( This article provides source data.
The MATLAB code for reconstruction (DASH) is publicly available (, and all accompanying Bayesian proxy forward models used in this study (BAYSPAR, BAYSPLINE, BAYFOX and BAYMAG ) Is the same ( The iCESM1.2 model code can be obtained from
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We thank B. Malevich for the early discussion and exploration of LGM to the current data assimilation, and thank M. Fox and N. Rapp for their help in compiling proxy data. We thank P. DiNezio for providing initial and boundary condition files for CESM simulations, and B. Markle for assisting in compiling and sharing ice core water isotope data. This research was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grant numbers AGS-1602301 and AGS-1602223 and Heising-Simons Foundation grant numbers 2016-012, 2016-014, and 2016-015. The CESM project is mainly supported by NSF. This material is based on work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is the main facility sponsored by NSF under the Cooperation Agreement No. 1852977. Computing and data storage resources, including the Cheyenne Supercomputer ( 10.5065/D6RX99HX), are provided by NCAR's Computing and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL).
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Matthew B. Osman, Jessica E. Tierney and Jonathan King
Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Robert Tadif and Gregory J. Hakim
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
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MBO performed data assimilation, led the analysis and interpretation of the results, and designed graphics. MBO and JET led the writing of this article. JET dominates the compilation of proxy data. JK wrote DASH code based on RT and GJHJZ method and input, CJP planned and performed iCESM simulation. All authors participated in the design of this study and the writing of this manuscript.
Correspondence with Matthew B. Osman.
The author declares no competing interests.
Peer review information Nature thanks William Gray and other anonymous reviewers for their contributions to the peer review of this work. Peer review reports are available.
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a. Histogram of recording resolution (representing the median sample resolution of each recording), calculated for each proxy type. b. Histogram of record length for each agent type.
a, starting from the left: using posterior data assimilation estimation, the average value of δ18Oc observed for each site and the average value of δ18Oc for forward modeling. Shown on the right are the relevant median R2 verification scores (each based on n = ~100 LGMR ensemble members), calculated by site (see Methods section "Internal and External Verification Tests"). b–d, same as a, but for \({\text{U}}_{37}^{\text{K'}}\) (b), Mg/Ca (c) and TEX86 (d), respectively.
a, 3 ka-pre-industrial (PI; 0 ka) and post-industrial Δδ18Op field; the overlying mark shows the observed 3 ka–PI Δδ18Op values from caves and ice cores. Only records that span at least 18 of the past 24 kyr are displayed. The ∆R2 and ∆RMSEP values represent the changes in the observed and post-assimilated ∆δ18Op values relative to the previous (iCESM) estimate. b–h, the same as in a, but the values are different between 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 21 ka and PI. I, all observed Δδ18Op and model prior values; the dotted line indicates the 1:1 relationship. j, the relationship between all the observed ∆δ18Op and the posterior value, which shows that ∆R2 and ∆RMSEP are greatly improved than before. Please note that each scatter point displayed in panels i and j corresponds to the external verification site displayed in panel ah.
The uncertainty range represents the ±1σ level (dark) and 95% confidence range (bright) from the LGMR set. The full range (shaded in gray) and median iCESM time slice prior value (50-year average) for each site are also shown for comparison. See also extended data sheet 2.
ac, the correlation between surface air temperature (SAT) and greenhouse gas combination 24 and global albedo radiative forcing 13 (a) of spatial LGM to the present; summer length at 65°S; 27 (b); and rise from Bermuda The –1 × 231Pa/230Th AMOC proxy index 29, 30, 31 (c; shows that the SAT correlation is positively correlated with AMOC intensity).
a, δ18Oc, \({\text{U}}_{37}^{\text{K'}}\) and Mg/Ca-derived GMST reconstruction, using proxy-only (PO) and data-derived assimilation (DA ) method. In a, the shaded area shows the ±1σ range of n = 50 set members based on the DA-based GMST estimate, and the n = 10,000 realizations based on the PO-based GMST estimate (note that the dotted line curve does not show the uncertainty range). b. The sensitivity of Holocene GMST evolution to the removal of agents located in the adjacent 15° latitude zone, regardless of the PO or DA method. c. The sensitivity of DA-based Holocene GMST evolution to proxy seasonality (by fixing the growth seasonality of foraminifera to pre-industrial (PI) or LGM monthly SST Mg/Ca and δ18Oc, or by deleting seasonality Enone production records are used to calculate \({ \text{U}}_{37}^{\text{K'}}\) ), as well as the SST calibration of the "pooled" foraminifera species in the references. 20,21 (see supplementary information). All ∆GMST time series represent deviations from the past 2 kyr.
The collective distribution (n = 500) of the Northern Hemisphere (NH; red) and Southern Hemisphere (SH; blue) estimated by LGMR represents the average hemispheric temperature during the past 24 kyr. The top display shows the spatial difference in surface temperature between Bølling-Allerød (BA) and Younger Dryas (YD). The range of the start time of the last and interglacial period of the hemisphere is shown as the bottom histogram. LGMR is plotted together with the reconstructed decadal hemispheric temperature from the last millennium reanalysis v2.117 and HadCRUT5 observation products.
This file contains supplementary information sections 1–5.
Osman, MB, Tierney, JE, Zhu, J. etc. The globally resolved surface temperature since the last glacial maximum. Nature 599, 239–244 (2021).
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